....Ep.09 | @takethreestudio: our first born. ..Ep.09 | @takethreestudio: nuestro primogénito. ....

….Hi friends! It's Estefi & Meijun your favorite duo, and we are here to tell you about our first baby, our business, our creative studio TakeThree. We responded to a few questions as well as we told you a few more details you may have not known about us and our business. ..Hi friends! Es Estefi & Meijun, su dúo favorito, y estamos aquí para contarle sobre nuestro primer bebé, nuestro negocio, nuestro estudio creativo TakeThree. Respondimos algunas preguntas y le contamos algunos detalles más que quizás no conocía sobre nosotros y nuestro negocio. ….

….These are the prompts we answered:..Estas son las preguntas que respondimos:….

  1. ….People push you to have babies but our businesses and our dog are our babies right now..La gente te empuja a tener bebés, pero nuestros negocios y nuestro perro son nuestros bebés en este momento. ….

  2. ….The meaning: a third take at a more meaningful creative life..El significado: un tercer chance a una vida creativa más significativa….

  3. ….It’s not just about what we do, but who we are..No se trata solo de lo que hacemos, sino de quiénes somos….

  4. ….Starting out as a creative content creation studio because that’s what we thought we wanted to do, but we realized otherwise. ..Comenzamos como un estudio de creación de contenido creativo porque eso era lo que pensábamos que queríamos hacer, pero nos dimos cuenta de lo contrario. ….

  5. ….People never “know what we do”..La gente nunca "sabe lo que hacemos"….

  6. ….Working on YOUR brand not just your clients..Trabaja en TU marca, no solo en tus clientes….

  7. ….Take yourself seriously!!..¡¡Tómate a ti mismo en serio!!….

  8. ….How do you split your tasks?..¿Cómo dividen sus tareas?….

  9. ….What's one mistake people make you wish people would hire you for?..¿Cuál es un error que la gente comete que te les gustaría que los contrataran?….

  10. ….Figure out your budget..Establece tu presupuesto….



….These are the three captions read from today:..Estos son los textos que leimos hoy….

N // new beginnings 🌎

2019 is the year of change and change is what we need. After months of emotional breakdowns, waking up with anxiety and panic attacks, and many long discussions, we realized that a break was needed from the non-stop, overly competitive, toxic hustle and bustle that turns you into your-not-so-best-self. So, here we are, being not-so-sorry about moving on from New York to explore the world and be free! 🚀

Everyone asks, “WHAT! How are you going to make it? Are you sure?” And the answer is a hot damn 🔥 YES! We’ve been feeling trapped, by a visa that labels us as legal 👽 aliens and by a government that manages to bring down immigrants, minorities, women, and oh so many others...one  t w e e t  at a time. Our so called American Dream may not be so American after all. Listen, when your mind is clouded by an expiration date [ehm looking at chu H1-B], life seems to S T O P and all of your aspirations take a back seat... Oh the irony // [continues in next post] 


OO // ooh 🔑

Yes. That moment of ooh, when we took a step back and saw that we wanted to do more with our lives. For the past 8 years, New York was our home and we’re so grateful for the opportunity to be here, for the incredible education from @prattinstitute and @prattmwp and for all the strangers we met along the way, who we now call family.

Working in the mecca of advertising, New York City, we’ve learnt so much from the industry and the experience will be going down in the books as one of the craziest rides of our lives! BUT there seemed to be something missing. We still don’t know exactly what that is, but we have so many dreams, ideas and aspirations, all of which seemed almost impossible to achieve just a couple of months ago. // [continues in next post]


S // safe space ☂ 

Changes are coming and we needed a new space where we could call home. A space where we could be vulnerable, introspect and create. That’s where TakeThree was born - our digital home base, our umbrella, our place to discover and our third go at a more meaningful creative life.

This home base has no geographic location - it’s merely our happy place where it’s ok to be uncomfortable; A safe space where you’re able to sit with the discomfort, to understand and explore it in order to move forward. // [continues in next post]


G // growth 💪🏼

Growing up and stepping out of your comfort zone can be very scary and intimidating. It takes alot of courage to reach out to strangers for help, admit that you need guidance and even compliment others when it’s due. Throughout this crazy journey, we’ve met so many amazing people and we would like to thank them, our friends, strangers and everyone else who inspired and will continue to inspire us along the way. 

….Thank you for checking out the show notes and staying tuned to our show! ..gracias por chequear nuestros show notes y gracias por escuchar nuestro show….

….What was your favorite part of this episode?..¿Cuál fue tu parte favorita de este episodio?….

TakeThree Studio

Creative Duo & Design Studio✌🏼

💡We help brands tell their stories
⚡️Branding, Strategy & Websites
🚀1:1 Mentorship & Creative Consulting


....Ep.10 | Opening Pandora's Box: a nostalgic chat about building our businesses. ..Ep.10 | Abriendo la Caja de Pandora: una conversación nostálgica sobre nuestros negocios. ....


....Ep. 08 | 5 podcast episodes that remind me to be — Resilient. ..5 podcasts que me recuerdan a ser — Resiliente. ....